Pastor and Staff
Rev. Ginger Watson Seini Mila Mark Miller
Pastor Music Director Organist
Aimee Hurst Bozarth Lori Watson John Robinson
Pianist Office/Financial Custodian
Does Your Group Need a Meeting or Event Space?
Contact Lori Watson in the church office for information:
817-534-1741 or office@meadowbrookpoly.org
Church office hours:
Monday-Thursday 9am - 4 pm
Closed Friday

History and Archives
Our church archivists are the keepers of our history. With more than 225 collective years of church history, it is our link to a legacy that keeps us grounded in tradition and gives us the courage to brave the unknown future. We have seen many beautiful rites of passage: baptisms, weddings, funerals, and celebrations. If you have pictures, artifacts, stories, or information about Meadowbrook or Polytechnic, please contact our archive team.

I have great respect for the past.
If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going.
I have respect for the past, but I'm a person of the moment. I'm here,
and I do my best to be completely centered at the place I'm at, then I go forward to the next place.
Maya Angelou
about the united Methodist church
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, opens minds, and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as "practical divinity" has continued to be a hallmark of United Methodism today.